Šodienas redaktors:
Kārlis Melngalvis
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Pašmāju sportistu aizvadītā nedēļa sociālo tīklu vietnēs

Mūsdienās sociālo tīklu izmantošana ir ļoti populāra nodarbe visā pasaulē. Tos lieto lielākā daļa slavenību, sportistu, mūziķu, politiķu u.c. Portāls "Apollo" piedāvā ielūkoties Latvijas sportistu aizvadītās nedēļas publikācijās sociālajos medijos.


Made my first hole in one ??

A post shared by Rodrigo Ābols (@abolsjr) on


A post shared by Elvis Merzlikins (@merzly) on


Season 2020✅ This season and preparing for it turned out to be a big challenge. . I have always known that in every case that happens to us, there must be a lesson. This is no exception. . The season has been strange, you could say both good and bad, as you look at it. But most importantly, I had the opportunity to start at all, and that the organization was able to make the competition safe for both us athletes and spectators. The health of us and others has always been primary! . I believe that we can overcome all difficulties. But we all have to start with ourselves, every action we take has consequences and determines our future. We need to believe in ourselves and move forward to better times. 2020 season: 11 competitions together, 7 wins?, 7 competitions over 60m from them 3 over 62,50m.??‍♀️ . Thank you all for support this year, you guys are the best! . I'm thankful my supporters to still be with me and together fighting for my sport dreams: My coach Kimmo Kinnunen @olimpiadelv @Latvijasolimpiskavieniba @herkuless_latvija @smiltenes_novads @smiltenes_piens @sonycenterlatvia @marence.skincare @alisekindzule @edz.sports @aivarkarotamm @nike

A post shared by LĪNA MŪZE (@lina.muze) on


Calling on me like a young OG I'm a classic man. ??‍♂️

A post shared by ??ℕ?? ????? (@janis.timma) on

Seko mums arī Instagram un uzzini visu pirmais!  

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