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Foto: Kailā joga - ceļš uz sevis iemīlēšanu (59)
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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
Foto: Instagram

Joga un fotogrāfija - tāds ir kailās jogas «Instagram» konta  meiteņu moto.

Foto, kurus «Instagram» kontā publicē kailās jogas piekritējas, ir guvušas lielu sekotāju skaitu. Meitenes, kuras ievieto foto, ir anonīmas. «Lieliskas» un «iedvesmojošas» - tā par foto saka komentāros biežāk nekā «seksīgas». Jogas meitenes ar to ir apmierinātas, jo viņu vēstījums nav popularizēt erotiku.

Viena no kailās jogas dalībniecēm stāsta, ka kādreiz viņa nav bijusi apmierināta ar savu ķermeni. Tagad viņa sapratusi, ka ikvienam ir iespējams iemīlēt sevi, saprotot, ka katrs cilvēks ir unikāls un skaists. Kailā joga kopā ar foto publicēšanu ir kā terapija, kā viens no ceļiem uz šo sapratni.


If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?! ❤ I think the question above is a good reminder... Are we positive or negative. If you are someone who always finds something good to say about others, I'm sure that they will find something good to say about you too. ❤ When I hear someone praising somebody about the way they are, I think about how amazing the person who gives the compliment is. So here is a simply beauty tip: be kind and find always something good to say about others. If you don't have anything good to say, it's maybe better to say nothing. ❤ We don't need eyes to see beauty. Sight is not essential because we can hear. How we speak, matters. ❤ If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies how very different our ideal of beauty would be?I have always thought that the beauty of the soul is the thing we should focus on... We come in different sizes and shapes but our inner beauty is something we can control fully and it can make us shine.

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on


Many of you have asked about my diet and especially if I'm a vegan. In one of my previous captions I wrote that I eat with intuition by listening to my body(what it wants). No counting calories, no strict diet... ❤ The only thing that I "count" is the quality of my food and I try to nourish my body with real food. I want to feel energetic and I think we are what we eat. What you eat affects your skin and hair, your happiness, your body.. everything. Also what we eat has a huge affect on the environment and animals.. Food is a very important thing for me. ❤ I also want to invest in delicious meals and enjoy social situantions without limits. For me it's important to be flexible with my diet because when I'm travelling or being invited to a dinner party, I don't want make things too complicated because of an unflexible diet. ❤ I appreciate people who are vegan. But no, I'm not fully vegan. I don't think that dairy products are a healthy choice and I have felt better since I gave it up 4 years ago. (I also have avoided gluten and sugar for many years because I feel better without.) But I eat organic eggs and sometimes organic meat/fish. This year I've eaten more and more like a vegan and maybe some day I'm going to eat only 100% vegan food. You never know. ❤ So my diet is about 90% gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan food. But actually I never think about what I can't eat.. I just think about how can I nourish my body the best. Clean and high quality plant based food is my base. I eat mostly quinoa, rice, oats, root, vegetables, greens, berries, oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, raw cacao etc... But sometimes totally something else. ☺ What do you eat?

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on


I have written about loving yourself, self acceptance and how yoga helped me in that. Someone has said that it's easy to love your body if you are a model etc.. But the thing is that I believe that self-acceptance comes from our mind. ❤ I was so embarrassed with my body...I thought that my body would be much better if I had beauty surgery. I wished that I would be able to change parts of myself. Thankfully I found the right path and the only change needed was in my mind. ❤ I know many beautiful people who criticies themselves. At the same time I know people who know that they may not fulfill the "ideals of beauty" that our society has wrongly greated but still carry themselves proudly. Those people look absolutely stunning and really understand the meaning of self-acceptance and beauty. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. If you learn to love yourself, you understand that you don't need to be perfect to be good. ❤ I just want to say that many of us want to be skinnier or bigger, taller or shorter, younger or older, lighter or darker, curvy or less curvy.. But that's very heavy, pointless and tiresome. And life is too short for that. ❤ We should be proud that we are unique and because of that we are special.❤

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on


Today I want to write about courage. I've always tried to do things in my life that challenge me. But courage doesn't mean not getting scared or afraid of something. Courage means that fear is not going to stop you. I have feared many things in my life until I've done them. This account also requires courage from me.. But I think if you want to do something different in life you can't be too afraid of what all the other people are going to think about you. For me the meaning of life is to live fully.. And that means doing things with courage. Challenges make me feel alive. ❤ We can't always succeed but we can try again tomorrow. That is showing courage too. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on


My 4 Tips to stay energetic during winter time darkness. ❤ 1. Do yoga daily. Listen to your body and also remember to plan yoga sessions based on your feeling. Stretching and meditation under candlelight is the best. ❤ 2. I wouldn’t give up on vitamin D3 food suplement anymore. I eat about 50-100 µg/day. 3. Hydration. Drinking plenty of water has many beneficial factors and not drinking enough of it certainly causes tiredness and affects your performance. I try and drink about 3 liters of water per day. 4. Projects. Having something exciting to do affects me the most. I have something going on all the time and I get a great amount of joy from new challenges. How do you stay energetic?❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #body #mind #soul #artist #photographer #model #yogainspiration #love #coreofgratitude #instagram

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on


My left nipple was showing the slightest bit so @instagram took this photo away.? Now it should follow the guidelines. I need to pay more attention, sorry my mistake.❤ I started this account exactly 3 weeks ago. I'm excited about yoga and I love photography so I wanted to bring the two of them together. ❤ I'm also worried about the preassure women can feel this days because of their body. Doing yoga helped me to accept and love my body. It's about the feeling inside, not about the look on the outside. Our bodies are capable of amazing things.❤ I wanted to show nudity is natural. Nudity is not only about "sexy" poses in front of mirrors and showing off your toned body... Being in peace with yourself means accepting your body. And you should. Because you are beautiful exactly the way you are. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on


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