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Pieredzes stāsts par pārvērtībām: kā padarīt slaidāku seju un kaklu

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Mūžīgā cīņa ar liekajiem kilogramiem, šķiet, vienmēr ir bijusi aktuāla, tāpēc speciālisti nebeidz par to runāt. Ja arī tev ir šāda problēma un tu domā - brīnumi nenotiek, tad, iespējams, tev palīdzēs pieredzes stāsts. Izrādās, viss ir iespējams, vajag tik vēlēties!

Džina Florio (Ginaa Florio) ir fitnesa speciāliste, un viņu bieži var satikt, cilājot svarus, veicot jogas vingrinājumus vai neatlaidīgi cenšoties kļūt par labāku skrējēju. Viņa ir dzīvniekus mīloša vegāne, kas bez cepšanas prot pagatavot lielisku siera kūku un augļu tacos. Pēc pasaules apceļošanas un trīs gadus mācot jogu, viņa ar vīru beidzot par savām mājām sauc Sanfrancisko.

“Kad biju pieņēmusies svarā un dzīvoju neveselīgi, sapratu, ka ilgi tas tā nedrīkst turpināties,” Džina stāsta. “Es daudz ko vēlējos mainīt. Pirmkārt, gribēju atgūt enerģiju un justies atkal kā es pati, un vēl vēlējos, lai man atkal derētu vecās drēbes. Man vajadzēja samazināt aptaukošanos, kas izteikti bija redzama tieši sejā un kakla zonā.”

“Protams, ja kāds vēlas notievēt, tas ir labi, bet skumjā ziņa ir tā, ka ļoti grūti ir dabūt prom taukus tieši no sejas. Tomēr tas ir iespējams! Lai nu kā, varu teikt, ka tad, kad zaudēsi liekos taukus visās ķermeņa daļās, kur tie uzkrājušies, tavai sejai nebūs citas izejas un smagais darbs atmaksāsies,” jaunā sieviete ir pārliecināta.


I just found the picture on the left. It was the first pic taken of me since the fire — the skin on my face had finally healed and my eyelashes and eyebrows were just starting to grow back in. Thank the heavens for fake lashes and brow pencils! You can see in my face and neck how much heavier I was. • PTSD wreaks havoc not only on the mind, but on the physical body as well. Every popping or clicking sound sent me straight back to the moment when the gas tank exploded — even the fresh smell of burning skin and hair from that night filled my nostrils any time I heard a gas burner turn on. PTSD affects everyone differently; for me, it caused intense anxiety and isolation. I wanted nothing more than to crawl in a ball, be alone in my room, and eat bags and bags of Cheetos and tubs of ice cream ? I can laugh at it now because it's funny in retrospect, but back then, it was no joke. • Having always been fit and strong, gaining all that weight was really hard for me to face. I felt disgusting, sluggish, and I didn't recognize myself in the mirror. I couldn't fit in anything but an old pair of sweatpants and some old sweaters. I'm sharing all this not because I want pity, but because I know there are plenty of people out there who are stuck in a rut. Life happened and you might be feeling shitty. Maybe you lost a loved one. Someone dumped you. You lost your job. Your boss is an egomaniacal dickhead. Been there myself ? • Don't beat yourself up. I know what it's like at rock bottom. I inhabited that place for quite some time. But there's nobody who can scoop you out of that hell hole but YOU. There aren't enough burpee challenges or trainers or cleanses in the world who can reclaim your health and fitness for you. You're the one who has to pick your ass up off the couch, choose to NOT BE A VICTIM, and take control of your life once again. • I wish someone had told me this when I was wallowing: Never ever ever back down to life's events. A refusal to be dictated by external circumstances is what transforms people from losers to victors • #beforeandafterweightloss #veganweightloss #loseweightfeelgreat #transformations

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Lūk, piecas lietas, kas Džinai palīdzēja atbrīvoties no apaļajiem vaigiem un dubultzoda un justies labāk un veselīgāk nekā jebkad agrāk, informē “Popsugar”.

Veselīgo kaloriju skaitīšana

Zaudējot svaru, dienas beigās sākas spēle ar skaitļiem. Kaloriju deficīts ir atslēgas vārds tam, lai viss veiksmīgi darbotos un svars zustu visā ķermenī, arī uz sejas. Es sakārtoju diētu, izslēdzot no ēdienkartes pusfabrikātus un apēdot mazāk kaloriju nekā iepriekš. Manā ēdienkartē vairs nebija atrodamas neveselīgas uzkodas, un es nekad neēdu papildporcijas. Tas bija pietiekami, lai neuzņemtu par daudz kaloriju un stabili zaudētu svaru.

Spēka treniņi katru dienu

Man patīk cilāt svarus, tāpēc nebija grūti katru dienu veikt spēka treniņus. Svaru cilāšana palīdz ātrāk sadedzināt kalorijas, stiprināt muskuļus un ātrāk šķelt taukus, un to ātri vien var redzēt manā sejā.


The woman on the left blamed everyone else for her problems. I treated my then-boyfriend like shit. I held grudges against people who had hurt me in the past. I hid a stash of candy underneath my bed and ate it when the world was fast asleep. Even recalling that period of my life makes me sick to my stomach — but also kind of makes me laugh because I literally had a secret stash of chocolate you guys LOOLL • I'm proud to show this picture not only because of the weight I lost, but because it's a story of resilience that anyone can relate to. If I can overcome and turn my life around, so can you. People see how I changed physically and ask me what my diet was like, if I ate carbs (YES, heaps) how much cardio I did, if I lifted weights. But here's the truth. • The first thing I did to kickstart my weight loss was making my bed every morning. If you’ve been following me long enough, you know that my motto is "Make your bed and be on time." Those 2 keystone habits will create a snowball effect that changes everything: how you treat yourself, how you treat OTHERS, how you cook for yourself, how often you go to the gym, how you organize your home, how seriously you take your career, etc. • Health doesn't exist within a diet-and-fitness vacuum we keep hearing about in magazines. There are so many nuances to being healthy, many of which have nothing to do with what you put in your mouth or what you do at the gym. If you're at a point in your life where you feel lost, unhealthy, and directionless, start by cleaning up the small habits in your life. Make your bed, clean your room, work on yourself and acknowledge all the things you deep down KNOW are true but don't want to admit to yourself. Stand in your power and take responsibility for the shit that's going wrong in your life. Because the hard truth is, most of the time, the reason things are shitty is because of YOUR choices and nothing else. • I love to facilitate in transformation and I’m currently taking a few more clients, so reach out if you want to see changes in your life • #veganweightloss #weightlossgoals #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlossstory #veganathlete

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Skriešana trīs reizes nedēļā

Neesmu liela kardiotreniņu mīļotāja, taču apzinos, ka tā ir svarīga daļa svara zaudēšanā. Nolēmu skriet 3 reizes nedēļā (var arī braukt ar velosipēdu vai darīt ko citu), un tas bija labs lēmums, lai nostiprinātu sirdi un straujāk dedzinātu kalorijas.


I busted my ass with a snatch flow this morning, because practice makes perfect. I also used a heavier kettlebell than I've been using in the past for snatches, which made me wonder why I wasn't using this weight before ? just proof that I need to stop dicking around and pick up a heavier KB more often • This complex is essential for anyone who wants to get better at snatches, particularly when it comes to moving through different variations of snatches. I didn't edit this video at all. NO speed manipulation, no music, no cutting. I wanted to show what it's like to move through the sequence mindfully and intentionally. You can hear me fight for some of the reps toward the end. I highly encourage you guys to give this a try if you want to get stronger and improve your movement • Hang snatch — Snatch to overhead squat — Rotational snatch to windmill — Hang snatch to step back lunge • I picked this flow up from the guru himself: @kettlebellexercises. Always inspired and motivated by this guy. He pointed out that I need to tweak the unraveling of the KB on my left arm. You may be able to see how it slightly jerks my arm down because I'm letting it unravel a second too late, yet my right arm doesn't have the same issue. Ugh if only humans weren't lopsided • Tag a kettlebell buddy you'd like to try this flow with! @primal.swoledier @francheskafit @venus2bfab @coach_vishalkumar @coachjohnwolf @niafitmitts @shanasaka @beastmindy @leo__savage • Thanks for filming boo @shelbysassinfit • #getstrongwithgina #kettlebellsnatch #kettlebells #fitvegan #poweredbyplants #plantbasedfitness

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7 līdz 8 stundu miegs

Cilvēki bieži aizmirst, cik svarīgi ir izgulēties, īpaši, ja centies zaudēt svaru. Tā kā kļuvu ļoti aktīva, aizņemta darbā un privātajā dzīvē, es sapratu, ka man katru nakti labi jāizguļas. Tas palīdz ne tikai dedzināt kalorijas, bet arī atbrīvoties no stresa, atpūsties, un pavisam noteikti – straujāk tikt vaļā no taukiem sejā.


In the spirit of new headshots, here are 10 things you probably don’t know about me: • 1️⃣ I was a classical pianist for most of my life. I studied piano performance in college and when I was 12, I performed with the Savannah Symphony Orchestra in front of thousands! ? • 2️⃣ My mom is Korean and my dad is Italian, which means I grew up surrounded by the best food on the planet ?? • 3️⃣ I did my first ayahuasca ceremony with Gerard Butler in 2012 • 4️⃣ I grew up attending a Christian mega church in Savannah, GA, so if you ever want to hear horror stories you know where to find me • 5️⃣ Tennis is my favorite sport to watch and I’ve been a Djokovic superfan since I was a teenager • 6️⃣ I was living in Boston during the 2013 marathon bombing and my apartment was only a few blocks away from the bomber’s home. My neighborhood was on lockdown for over 24 hours • 7️⃣ The Rubin Report @rubinreport is my favorite podcast and I highly recommend it! • 8️⃣ I biked down Death Road in La Paz, Bolivia and finished 3rd in my group ?? • 9️⃣ My lifelong dream is to have a pet pig named Cedric. And a goat named Salazar (because I’m House Slytherin duh) • ? I am an avid reader and I started a monthly book club with 6 friends. It’s the highlight of my month. It’s a special, unique way to spend time together that’s out of the norm • Your turn! What don’t I know about you? ? • Thanks for this shot @jtwiseguy! • #10thingsaboutme #lifestyleguide #liveyourlife #veganlife? #plantbasedlife

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Atteikšanās no alkohola

Nekad neesmu daudz lietojusi alkoholu, tāpēc man tas nebija grūti. Katru reizi, kad  biju lietojusi alkoholu, no rīta modos ar uzpampušu seju un biju sagurusi, tāpēc nolēmu neuzņemt šīs nevērtīgās kalorijas un vismaz uz kādu laiku atteikties no alkohola.

Ja ir kāds īpašs iemesls iedzert kādu kokteili, es to daru, bet atteikšanās no alkohola ilgtermiņā man ir palīdzējusi ātrāk atbrīvoties no liekā svara. Turklāt man vairs nav maisiņu zem acīm vai svilstoši vaigi. Seja notievēja diezgan ātri, un man patīk tas, ko katru rītu redzu spogulī.


Happiness isn't something that's waiting on the other side of an accomplishment or a relationship. It's a choice we have every single day, regardless of our environment or external circumstances. Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust, said, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." • Guys, this is coming from a man who ***survived the Holocaust*** for crying out loud. He insists that we ALWAYS have the power to respond to the events that happen in our lives. I love that he points to our response as the chance to grow and to be free. How we choose to respond is the source of our power and our freedom. • Is there a situation or challenge in your life that you've been struggling with? Maybe you're having difficulties with someone at work who communicates poorly or doesn't treat you with respect. Perhaps there's a family member who has wronged you and you can't seem to forgive. Or you have friends who lead a lifestyle that influences you poorly. • Each of those scenarios has been very familiar to me in the past. I know what it's like to respond in anger or resentment — and I know how this neither brings joy nor resolves the situation. Always choose to live and act out of power and love, especially when it feels impossible. That's how you propel yourself forward in your life and set an example for others. • If you're looking for some coaching or support, I'm taking clients at the moment, so feel free to reach out. • The more I dig deeper within myself, the more open and beautiful I feel. And that quickly translates to how I take care of my body. Each choice we make creates ripples throughout the rest of our life. • Big thanks to the talented @tonhyakae for capturing my inner joy @lafemmeforteproject. And thank you @caroline_cayetano for making my face look pretty ☺️ • #veganbody #bodycare #healthybodyhealthymind #happinessquotes #boudoirshoot #lovingmyself

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